Marilyn Pearlman, LCSW

Healing Begins Here
The core of my professional journey has always been to discover the root cause of problems presented by individuals, couples, or families. I believe that a comprehensive understanding of the diverse factors contributing to client issues is essential to effecting positive change. These principles led to my pursuit of a dual degree, initially as an Occupational Therapist (OTR), and subsequently as a Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). The integration of these two disciplines has uniquely equipped me to evaluate and treat functional, behavioral, and relational challenges across all age groups.
Over the course of my 35+ years in clinical practice, I have continuously expanded my range and depth of specialized skills. These encompass sensory integration therapy, family and couples therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma and rapid resolution therapy, clinical and past-life regression hypnosis, emotional freedom technique (EFT), and certification as an Amen Clinic Brain Coach. Currently, I am in training for receiving the advanced practitioner certification in the Havening Touch technique. My practice now includes intuitive readings and “heart-centered, psychic mediumship” within a therapeutic context, for those who are interested to explore such work.

About Me
I was born in Philadelphia and raised in New Jersey. I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Boston University and my Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. I now live in Sarasota, Florida, since 1995, where I have cultivated a broad network of invaluable professional colleagues and friendships. I have a deep appreciation for all of my mentors and I seek to inspire others on their journey of self-awareness and transformation.
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